Monday, July 28, 2008

After Harvest Festival...

Well, the big After Harvest Festival 2008 has come and gone. We had a good time again this year. Cameron and Landon had a great time playing with friends and cousins all weekend long. Cameron was glued to her cousin Kylee the entire weekend. She had a blast!! We went to the city pool a couple times, too. On Saturday afternoon, Cameron and Landon got to swim with Sarah's girls, Lauren and Claire. This is always a fun time. For the moms too!!
We enjoyed the big parade on Saturday morning and the carnival on Saturday night. The carnival was a huge hit and both kids cried their eyes out when their tickets were gone!! Cameron and Landon both rode several rides and the ferris wheel was the chosen favorite.
Brent and I were able to go out both nights!! I was able to see friends I haven't seen in a long time. I look forward to this weekend every year to catch up with old friends. Sarah and I spend the majority of the time just walking around and talking and yes, people watching!! Always a good time!!
Thanks to my mom for watching the kiddos and to my cousin Jared for helping out!! Cameron and Landon had lots of fun with their big cousin Jared and seeing Jenna too!! I enclosed some pics of the kids swimming with Lauren, patiently waiting for candy at the parade, and some shots at the carnival. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cameron's Swimming Lessons...

Cameron started swimming lessons for the first time last week. She loves it. She was a little shy and hesitant the first day of lessons but ever since she has been excited to go each morning. The lessons last for two weeks. She is learning the back float and front float and just getting comfortable kicking and being in the deep water. Landon sits on the sidelines and plays in the sand. He would much prefer to be in the water with his sister.

Nana also came for an overnight visit last week. The kids loved having her here and both rallied for her attention the entire time. They played with Barbies and played "restaurant" the entire day!! They love having their grandparents here at the house for visits.

We are headed back to Ellinwood this weekend for the annual After Harvest Festival!! Woohoo!! Mommy is very excited!!

Fourth of July and more...

We headed back to Western Kansas for the Fourth of July. We spent the 4th in Ellsworth at Brent's parents. The kids weren't real sure about all the fireworks. Daddy and his brothers, uncles Jeff and Paul, popped firecrackers ALL DAY LONG. Landon was fine as long as he wasn't too close to the loud pops. Cameron was really not a fan this year. The only firecrackers they enjoyed were the smoke bombs and snappers. Maybe next year will be better for firecrackers. Brent sure had a great time though. The kids had a much better time going to the pool with their cousin Wyatt. I enjoyed this more too!! Both Cameron and Landon love the water.

The next day, we went to Ellinwood to visit grandma and papa. Papa decided he wanted to take the kids miniature golfing. They both loved it. And papa was very patient with the them. Cameron even made a hole in one with papa's assistance!!

We are having a great summer and it is going by really fast. We spend alot of time outdoors swimming, bike riding and going to the park. And of course, going to Target!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer, too!!