Saturday, November 22, 2008

Trick or Treating...

Cameron and Landon were so much fun this year for Halloween. Landon was bound and determined to be Batman, so after some persuasion Cameron agreed to be Wonderwoman. Once we bought her costume she was really excited! They were so cute and we had the most fun dressing up and going trick or treating in our neighborhood. Landon was so excited to wear his costume that he wore his Batman mask to bed at naptime and I couldn't resist taking a picture of him...too cute!!

Since Halloween was on a Friday night this year, we trick or treated for two and a half hours. Brent is a little psycho on Halloween. He really likes to trick or treat and get to every house so the bags will be full of candy. And boy were the bags full!! Of course, guess who ends up eating most of the candy....yes probably me!!

I will post some pictures of the kids in their costumes. As you can see, Cameron has no problem changing up her poses. She was quite the Wonderwoman!!

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